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Welcome to the Clermont County Ohio Historical Society.
We strive to preserve and interpret Clermont County, Ohio’s history. CCHS has the unique role of being the keeper of the County’s memories and heritage. Founded in 1958, we have been active for over 60 years. We are a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization.
Our Mission

- Actively collecting and preserving historical records, documents, photographs and artifacts and making them available to the public
- Disseminating information through interpretive exhibits, presentations, and publications to schools, civic organizations, local government, and the public;
- Encouraging the preservation of buildings, monuments, and sites of historical value
- Cooperating with other historical societies and organizations having purposes in keeping with those of this Society.
InterestingFacts& History
“Established in December 1800, Clermont County is the eighth oldest of Ohio’s 88 counties, and is the 11th oldest county in the Northwest Territory. Clermont is a French word meaning “clear mountains and hills,” which described the area when it was first viewed by French explorers in the 1600s..”
Richard Crawford
“This area was also home to President and military hero, Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, born in Point Pleasant on April 27, 1822. He became commander-in-chief of the U.S. Army during the Civil War, led the Union to victory, and was the eighteenth president of our country. His birthplace in Point Pleasant (originally a one-room cabin) continues to welcome visitors today. In 1890, General Grant’s birthplace was removed from its original location, and traveled by boat to be viewed by citizens, along various waterways. It was also taken to the Chicago World’s Fair, before making its way back to Clermont County.”
Richard Crawford
The last covered bridge in Clermont County proudly stands on Stonelick Williams Corner Road, near US 50; it was built in 1878.
The Society meets the third Saturday of the month from February to October (July is an exception) at the Batavia Library from 1-4 PM. 180 South 3rd Street. Batavia, Ohio. (No Meetings from November through January and the month of July)
A half hour business meeting is held following the programs on local history. Meeting are free and open to the public.
Museum/archives/office open to the public every 1st Saturday of the month from 1-4PM, along with the Harmony Hill Museum, the William Lytle Land Office and the Dairy House. @ Harmony Hill, 299 S.3rd St, Williamsburg.
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3rd & Willow Streets Williamsburg, Ohio
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Amelia’s Beginnings
17 November 2022
Or So The Survey Says From Amelia Village History, 2nd edition The Amelia...
Batavia Low-Head Dam Removed
17 November 2022
A short distance up-stream from the Main Street Bridge, across the...
Batavia Roller Mill
21 November 2022
When my husband and I first moved to Batavia, I became fascinated...
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PO Box 14
Batavia, Ohio 45103